Posted: March 9, 2021
TAMPA, FL – March 9, 2021. From humanitarian aid and disaster relief to forward operating bases to nation building and stability operations, the Department of Defense needs a reliable source of fresh water – and an option that is high-output, mobile, resilient, self-sustaining, and affordable is clearly one in which they are interested.
During last week’s xTechSearch 5 competition, the U.S. Army named Genesis Systems LLC one of the top ten finalists out of a pool of 380+ small businesses seeking funding to develop next-generation technology.
According to the Army’s website, “xTechSearch will highlight opportunities for small businesses to collaborate with the Army to tackle the most critical Army modernization challenges,” and Genesis Systems is poised to do that, and more.
“The nation that uses Genesis' technology, as stated by Former Director of CIA, Ambassador R. James Woolsey, will be able to cross water off the list of humanitarian concerns. Genesis is working with its national and international partners and governments daily to make that vision a reality. We are building a village that understands the need for resilient water and the peace and stability it brings to humanity.,” said Dr. David J. Stuckenberg, Genesis Systems COO & Board Vice Chairman.
Each of the ten finalists were awarded $120,000 and will compete again this fall for the $250,000 grand prize. However, the U.S. Army is not the only military service interested in Genesis Systems’ Aqua-GEN® technology. The U.S. Air Force also recently chose Genesis Systems as part of its Small Business Innovation Research program.
“We’re very excited about what our technology will do not only for our national security and resilience, but what it will do to save lives globally by easing the water scarcity crisis faced by many nations by increasing the availability of fresh water and sustainable agriculture in arid regions,” said Stuckenberg. “Genesis Systems is going to be a game-changer on many fronts, but the best part about what we’re doing is knowing that we will positively and directly impact the quality of life for people around the world.”
“I want to thank the Army and Air Force for their faith in and support for our technology and mission,” concluded Stuckenberg. “The ripple effect of their investments goes far beyond our national defense and will extend hope and peace to the far ends of the Earth.”
ABOUT Genesis Systems, LLC
Founded in 2017, Genesis Systems was created with one goal: to solve the global water crisis. To that end, Genesis began developing the future of an unlimited sustainable water supply. Genesis' Aqua-GEN® atmospheric water plants can generate continuous fresh water with no upper production limits at humidity’s as low as 10%. Genesis Systems may be powered by legacy or renewable and clean energy sources such as geothermal or solar power. To learn more please visit Genesis Systems LLC or send an email to Info@GenesisSystems.Global.